A letter from Kerime (MoS Creator)
Mother of Self has many layers. Born from the lived experience and the idea that we cannot solely tend to the mind and psyche, rather the body and mind together must learn to mother themselves. As a whole we tend to our wounds unconditionally, recognising their interconnectedness.
After years of seeking an understanding of the mind and believing in its ability to heal through various therapeutic modalities, I realised that it was my body that required integration, processing, and healing. Turning to the ultimate mother, Mother Nature, I sought wisdom to nourish and teach me how to connect to the inherent knowing within myself and others. Mother Nature provides numerous remedies for healing beyond the mind through her offerings rooted in the land, animals, plants, waters, and elements.
Cannabinoids and CBD oils tend to many aspects of ourselves, addressing emotional discomfort, physical pain as well as our nervous and energetic systems. They possess potential beyond our cognitive understanding, gently allowing us to simply notice and feel the experiences within our bodies. Mother Nature serves as our ally, residing within all of us, a source to turn to when feeling disconnected from our inner mother. Through embracing the intelligence of nature one can incorporate this oil into a ritual of nurturing and mothering one’s self.